Monday, August 8, 2011

MICE & RATS treated as nothings.

    Over one hundred MILLION mice and rats are killed in U.S. laboratories each year. They're abused in everything from technology tests (in which they are slowly poisoned to death( to painful burn experiments to psychological experiments that induce terror, anxiety, terror, helplessness, and depression. They are deliberately electro-shocked in pain studies, mutilated in experimental surgeries, and have everything from cocaine to methamphetamine pumped into their bodies. They are given cancerous tumors and are injected with human cells in genetic-manipulation experiments.
    Peta investigated inside the laboratories of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and University of Utah and revealed that mice and rats were give HUGE tumors and deadly, painful illnesses. Rats had holes drilled into their skulls for invasive brain experiments.
    These mammals have nervous systems like ours. It is no secret they feel loneliness, pain, fear, and joy as we do. These highly social animals communicate with each other using high-frequency sounds that are inaudible to the human ear. They become emotionally attached to each other, love their families, and easily bond with human guardians. Male mice woo mates with high-pitched love songs. Infant rat giggle when they are tickled. Not only do rats express empathy when another rat or human they know is distressed, they also exhibit altruism, putting themselves in harm's way instead of seeing another living being suffer, God Bless their souls.
    Even though they suffer and feel pain as much as dogs, cats, and rabbits do, they are not included in the meager federal Animal Welfare Act which provisions that extend at least some protection to these other species. Since they aren't protected by the law, experimenters don't even have to provide them with pain relief. While experimenters who use guinea pigs must provide them with pain relief and must at least show they're looked for modern alternatives to the use of animals, experimenters don't even have to count the mice and rats they kill. A 2009 survey by researchers at Newcastle University found that mice and rats who underwent painful, invasive procedures such as skull surgeries, burn experiments, and spinal surgeries were provided with post-procedural pain relief only about 20% of the time.
    Some estimates indicate that as many as right hundred U.S. laboratories aren't subject to Federal laws and inspections because they experiment exclusively on mice, rats, and other animals whose use is unregulated.
    Please support only companies and charities that do not test on animals - be cruelty free! You will feel so great!

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