Welcome to the world of animal testing on our primates. First and foremost, let me tell you a little something about primates. They are very intelligent animals who share psychological and biological traits with us, humans, not too mention their sensitivity. With that said, can you firstly imagine how the mothers of their screaming babies are forced away from their screaming mothers almost always just days after birth. Because primates are like us with attachment to their young, it is hard to just kidnap the babies. So, often the mothers are shot or stunned with guns, so the babies can be removed. Some catch the whole families in traps that are then packed into tiny cages without necessities and then brought to the centers where the rest of their lives is pure indecent Hell.
Don't be mistaken, the photos shown below or in any of my blogs are not 1 out of 500,000 cases. This is everyday, everywhere. Once they arrive they are usually put into steel small cages of some sort.. a far cry from home where they live freely with others swinging vine to vine, learning. The lucky ones are given maybe a little toy to keep them entertained, a banana sometimes. Approximately 90% (Yes, 90%!) endure physical abuse, psychological stress, confinement, and isolation that they have no choice but to endure. They literally go insane by engaging in repetitive motions, back flipping, pacing around - even self mutilation like tearing out their own hair and biting their flesh.
And then.. the reason why they are here.. the procedures..
1.) Military experiments and training: For chemical casual training exercises, squirrel monkeys are poisoned with nerve agents that cause them to convulse, even though human patient simulators exist and can provide more effective training. Other primates have been exposed to botulism, anthrax, and bubonic plague.
2.) Pharmaceutical tests: Gavage tubes are forced into their nostrils and/or throats so experimental drugs can be pumped inside of them. Guess what, 92% of these tests are a BIG failure and DO NO GOOD in learning anything.
3.) Invasive brain tests: Monkeys have holes drilled into their skulls, electrodes inserted into their brain, and metal restraint devices screwed into their heads. Some have portions of their brains destroyed or removed to cripple them and impair their cognitive function. Their bodies immobilized in restraint chairs and their heads bolted into place as they are forced to perform a variety of behavioral tasks while their brain activity is recorded. So that they cooperate, they are often deprived of water for a 24 hour period. Whenever they are finished, they are killed and dissected.
4.) Vaccine Tests: Rhesus monkeys and chimpanzees are infected with HIV-like diseases that cause them weight loss, organ failure, breathing problems, and neurological disorders even though years and years of these experiments have failed to produce vaccines for humans. These monkeys die excruciatingly painful deaths or are killed.. murdered..
5.) Maternal-deprivation experiments: Over 50 years ago Harry Harlow began pulling baby primates away from their mothers, giving them only rag dolls or noxious wire "mothers" as substitutes. We already know what the mothers and babies feel, still the University of Washington, Oregon National Primate Research Center, and Wake Forest University repeat these cruel scenarios. They are intentionally causing trauma and examine what harm is resulted. The connection between maternal deprivation and whether the baby monkeys became right or left handed helps also show the animals' alcohol drinking behavior later in life. Nope, that's not a typo. The ANIMALS' alcohol drinking behavior later in life.
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