Saturday, October 15, 2011

Has Your Meat Been Molested?

    Unfortunately sexual violence against farmed animals is not an unusual occurrence  against farm animals from pigs to turkeys. I just can't imagine why there are so little vegans out there - perverted, sadistic, cruel, and twisted sexual abuse happens everyday on these 'farms.' The meat and dairy industry consider some of it standard practice. Every single day, some of the most vulnerable females on Earth are confined against their will, denied freedom to live as they please, forcibly impregnated, and sexually abused. And if you are eating meat, eggs, or dairy products, you are funding and supporting this oppression.
    One undercover investigation at the Iowa pig factory farm revealed that a supervisor rammed a cane into a pig's vagina. The same supervisor said that he thrust gate rods into the anuses of pigs who frustrate him. At the same facility, another worker, who was also later convicted of livestock abuse, urged PETA's investigator to beat a pig as if she had scared away a "voluptuous little f---ing girl." The employee was also caught on video urging a supervisor to beat pigs and to expose his genitals to get them to move.
    At the Butterball slaughterhouse, an investigator saw in addition to other horrific cruelty a worker insert his finger into a turkey's cloaca (vagina.) Another worker mimed raping a bird whose legs and head he'd shackled. This was all in one day.
    At Aviagen Turkeys Inc., in West Virginia, the "world's leading poultry breeding company," a worker was indicted for cruelty to animals after being caught on tape for pinning a female turkey to the ground and mimicking raping her. He admitted to having done this to dozens of other turkeys.
    When writer Jim Mason worked for a day as a turkey breeder, he discovered that since turkey's have been genetically manipulated to grow so large that they can no longer breed naturally, workers must manually extract semen from males and manually inseminate females, as I have mentioned here, featuring turkeys. On dairy farms, a female cow will often be forcibly restrained so that she can't get away when an insemination instrument is shoved into her vagina. Pig factory farm workers confine boars to tiny "carts" and parade them in front of sows so that the other workers can look at and touch the sows genitals in order to determine the best time to insert a tube of pig semen into them.
     These victims may not look like us, they like abused and exploited humans, they feel pain and fear, and they long for the freedom to live their lives as they choose. Those of us who want to end exploitation of humans should also care about the exploitation of ALL beings and do something to stop it. We can work toward a world that is more just and fair for all species simply by leaving meat, eggs, and dairy products off our plates. Due to the lack of photos I could find on the web, here is a graphic video of many of the instances I mentioned above.

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