Friday, June 15, 2012

No such thing as a cage bird.

 Cage bird, smage bird - lol. Psh.. all caged birds were either bred or captured in captivity. These gorgeous earthlings are never alone in the wild. They call wildly for their flock mates if they become separated for even just a minute. They play and preen with each other, fly together, and share egg-incubation duties. Many of the species mate for life and share parental duties. It's plain to see their close companionship and concern for each other.
 Birds are the third most popular type of companion in the US due to their intelligence, playfulness, colors, speech capabilities, and loyalty. About forty million birds in the US are kept caged and often improperly cared for - far away from home, bored, and lonely. Many people buy birds on impulse and haven't a clue on how much money, energy, and time is needed for their care. They are as messy and can be as destructive as puppies, something irresponsible breeders and retailers won't share with their customers. But, unlike puppies, they continue this behavior for fifteen to seventy-five years, rather than a few months. Additionally, birds can be extremely loud and demanding and something severely bite their caretakers. Most customers aren't prepared for an animal companion who is curious, demanding, and needy as a two year old child, so plenty of birds spend their entire lives trapped inside a cage that's too small in the corner or a room, garage, or basement, not comfortably being able to use or stretch their wings and deprived of the vital companionship of other birds. Like chained dogs, these caged birds desire companionship and freedom, not the cruel reality of forced solitary confinement for the rest of their very long lives.
 Due to boredness and loneliness, they are driven mad and become self-destructive, neurotic, and aggressive. They pull out their own feathers, mutilate their skin, incessantly bob their heads and regurgitate, shake, sometimes collapse from anxiety, ace back and forth, and peck over and over again. Even when a previously caged bird comes into a home in which he or she is allowed a rich, active life, these behaviors are extremely difficult to extinguish if ever.
 There are enormous bird factories where breeders warehouse thousands of parrots and other exotic birds and remove their offspring in order to sell them to pet stores. They are usually confined to dirty, dimly lit cages, where they cannot fully stretch their wings. There is no federal legislation to protect birds in this trade, so it's unlikely to have a successful prosecution of cruelty or neglect.
 In Washington State, a parrot-breeding operation - in which a veterinarian described as a "concentration camp" and where, according to news sources, birds "lived in cold, wet, filthy conditions for years" - remains open and continues to raise birds for the trade. This lack of caring has been reported at facilities across the country.
 These factories often breed communicable diseases, too, from proventricular dilation disease (PDD) - symptoms including depression, weight loss, and constant or intermittent regurgitation - to papillomavirus infection, salmonellosis, giardiasis, and psttacine beak and feather disease. Sock birds can give humans or other pet birds chlamydiosis (psittacosis), salmonellosis, E. coli infections, tuberculosis, giardiasis, and other illnesses associated with fungi and bacteria.
 Wild caught parrots are commodities in the multi billion-dollar illegal wildlife trade. Hardly a week goes by without another story of a bird smuggler who was caught with parrots in the air vents on his or her car, ,of small parrots being smuggled in jacket pockets, or of any hundreds of other usually deadly schemes to import these valuable birds illegally. Most smugglers do not get caught, so many uninspected, sick, terrified birds enter the companion trade yearly.
  When these cute and lovable birds turn out to be noisy, demanding, and messy many are later abandoned, and few live out their natural life spans. About 85 percent of parrots are resold, given away, or abandoned within two years of being purchase If they are ignored, they suffer in isolation and may become even noisier, more aggressive, and dependent.
 Caged companion birds are typically not native to the areas where they reside. You cannot simply open a window and let them fly away (which is a crime of abandonment in most states). Without the proper food, habitat, and climate, escaped or released captive birds become prey for free-roaming cats and wildlife or are doomed to suffer lingering deaths because of the exposure, injuries, or starvation.
 Only a small percentage of these unwanted birds are placed and cared for in rescue groups, animal shelters, and sanctuaries. To complicate matters further, some alleged "sanctuaries" are actually thinly disguised breeding colonies or hoarding situations in which birds are housed in extremely crowded conditions, receive minimal care and attention, and may even be sold back into the trade.
 If you or a friend have a lot of time and resources and remain determined to have a bird companion, please adopt a homeless one from a shelter or rescue group, bit only after fully researching their dietary, behavioral, and other other needs.. a lot of work on the way! Buying birds from pet shops contributes to a horrible cycle of disease and abuse, so to appreciate birds without buying and caging them, consider creating your own backyard sanctuary!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


 It's so hard to believe I am actually about to write a nonfiction blog about something as ridiculous called "donkey basketball." During these abusive games, which often school hold as fundraisers, donkeys are kicked, punched, dragged, and punched by participants who have no donkey handling experience at all whatsoever. Donkeys like may other animals are not protected by the federal Animal Welfare Act, and humane agencies often do not get involved in cruelty cases involving the animals because of the lack of knowledge and experience.
 These fundraisers send the message to kids that it's acceptable to abuse and humiliate those that are weaker than us. They are taught the dangerous lesson that cruelty is OK. Expert Stephen R. Kellert and Alan R. Felthous concluded in the links between cruelty to animals and human abuse is that "The evolution of a more gentle and benign relationship in human society might be enhanced by our promotion of a more positive and nurturing ethic between children and animals." Schools from coast to coast have stopped hosting these fundraisers thank goodness because that want to help nurture kind kids, not bullies which is such a big problem as well. "Children trained to extend justice, kindness, and mercy to animals become more just, kind, and considerate in their [interactions] with each other." - The U.S. National Parent-Teacher Association Congress.
 Not only can this be detrimental to children, but let's not forget about adults too! Like many animals, donkeys who are mistreated or forced into loud, confusing environments can become frightened and may lash out to protect themselves. A participant in Waterloo, Illinois, donkey basketball games was awarded more than $110,000 for injuries that he sustained in a games, and in another game, a Wisconsin state senator fell of a donkey and broke her leg. In February 2006, a fifth-grade teacher in Florida sued a Diocese of St. Peterbburg and the owner of the Dixie Donkey Ball company claiming that she had suffered injuries after being thrown off a donkey at a fundraiser.
 There are so many wonderful fundraising opportunities that do not include animal abuse, including rubber-duck derby races and dodge ball. In Grants Pass, Oregon, three Rotary Clubs grossed $133,000 in rubber-duck derby races. If God forbid you head of this heinous crime going on, please politely raise your voice to stop this absurdity, or let me know! I'll do something about it.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Indonesia & their sick selves

 Ugh.. when it comes to reptiles, I am extra sensitive. I have had many as pets, I wouldn't ever have them again because I see now it is cruel to cage these exotic creatures and try to copy their necessities. But anyway, let's talk about snakes first.. they've been around since the dinosaurs. Most that live near humans are harmless and the encounters are rare because of  their keen ability to detect vibrations using their jaws and bellies. Their forked tongues are like built-in-radars to help them aware of their surroundings. Most live underground or under rocks, come in in trees and slid around eating insects and small critters. Many lay eggs that are incubated by the sun and some carry their eggs in their bodies and give birth to fully developed young. Here's the sick stuff: to kill snakes for their skins, hunters invade their homes and nail them to trees and skin them alive before tossing them into a pile to die. They often suffer for days before succumbing to shock or dehydration. Lovely!
 Lizards are absolutely amazing and unique! Most can shed their tails to evade predators and run on four legs, twisting their bodies side to side. Some run on their back legs and EVEN run on water, what is known as Jesus Christ running, lol. Some can change colors to match their surroundings. Iguanas have a 3rd eye on top of their heads to regulate hormone production related to time basking. Some can even squirt blood from their eyes be deliberately increasing the blood pressure in their heads. Unfortunately instead of living up to 33 years in the wild, lizards are murdered for their skins, usually first clubbed on their heads or have their spines severed with chisels as soon as they are to a certain size.. great, huh?
 Lastly, lets talk about alligators and crocodiles.. the most noticeable difference between the two are their teeth. Alligators have a large fourth tooth in their lower jaw that fits inside their upper jaw when they close their mouths. With crocodiles, these teeth are visible even when their mouths are closed. Alligators can be found in rivers, reservoirs, tidal marshes, swamps, rivers, ponds, lakes, and canals. Humans, beavers, and they are one of the few species who create wetland habitat. Alligators use their snouts, forefeet, and tails to burrow holes that fill with water and can be the size of a backyard swimming pool! To survive subfreezing temperatures, they move to shallow water, stick their nostrils above the surface, and let their snouts become frozen into the ice. Mother crocodiles and alligators are very motherly. They are protective and their young normally stay with them in a "pod" for one to three years. Alligators communicate through distress yelps, bellowing, hissing, coughing, hatching sounds, and vocalizations that are not audible to humans and can travel very long distances. Alligators are often kept in filthy, crowded tanks on alligator "farms" before being clubbed and skinned alive.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fighters of the Cocks

 The thought of cockfighting literally makes me sick.. who could participate in the cruel act is beyond me.. what kind of monster does this kind of atrocity?! What is cockfighting - it is a blood sport in which roosters are placed in a ring and forced to fight to the death for the "amusement" of onlookers. The real trip of it is that it is illegal in the United States, yet it is done all over.
 Game farms are where roosters are raised and trained to fight. The breeders, or should we cay cockers kill the birds they consider inferior to the other, only keeping alive the strong and powerful ones that are willing to fight.  Tethered by one leg in shelter that does not meet up the necessities of the birds, they live their lives in small wire cages, sometimes in a plastic barrel! LOVELY! Cockers force the birds to fight through physical work, including practice fight with other innocent roosters, and attaching weights to the roosters' legs.
 God bless the roosters.. their waddles and or/combs are hacked off with shears so in the ring other roosters don't tear them off. This makes me so sad.. because I think about my beautiful Joonie Bird and Ms. Pam and how gorgeous they are with their combs and wattles.. and how I would wash them and keep them conditioned with salves.. I was so proud of their beautiful skin.. and these monsters HACK off their body parts, as well as pluck off their feathers. Since chickens lack sweat glands, losing these body parts deprives them to cool themselves off. Can you imagine? Having you ears cut off and then you have no ability to cool yourself off?! Sometimes these monsters even cut off their spurs, which are the natural protrusions on the legs, so that more fatal, fake weapons can be attached to their little legs.
 At the actual events, they are held in cockpits which are round or square enclosures, or simply put - pits. When you look in, you will see roosters' feathers of the neck fanned and wings whirring.. the birds jump and parry at each others. They duel and kick each other in mid-air, striking at each other with feet and beaks. In the fighting wanes, handlers blow on the roosters' necks which holding them, yank their beaks, or hold them beak-to-beak in an attempt to get them riled up again. They are then put back into the pits and the fight doesn't end to DEATH or NEAR DEATH. Even if the rooster is still alive, but considered the loser, they are discarded in a carrel or the trash as though they are in fact trash.
 It is no surprise that the monsters who do this often are linked to other crimes including, drugs, illegal gambling, and even murder. There was a triple homicide at a Northern California cockfight. Sometimes children are even at these events, and as you can imagine a young child can either be traumatized or it promotes insensitivity to suffering and bloodshed.
 There's been eight recorded cases of bird flu that have been tied to cockfighting, as well as a 2002 Newcastle disease epidemic in California. Bird owners regularly come into contact with the bird's blood, allowing diseases to spread. One cockfight, the owners of the birds scrubbed the blood of their birds with their bare hands then switched the wounds around around their eyes! Sometimes the injuries are so severe that owners relieve swelling by sucking out the blood by mouth, yes you read that right.. they SUCK THE BLOOD OUT OF THE ROOSTERS BY MOUTH!
 Please if you know of any of these fights going on, CALL YOUR LOCAL AUTHORITY! You cannot let this go on without saying anything.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

DOWN Industry

    So, this was news to me. My boyfriend and I went shopping for pillows a couple weeks ago and he mentioned something about down feathers. I had no idea what he was talking about and he explained to me that some pillows had real goose feathers in them! I suppose I have lived a sheltered life.. but I never heard of such a thing. I just thought they all had fake feathers inside of them.. but to my surprise, I did some research and found out about the grim down industry. They often pluck their geese alive in order to get their "down," which is the soft layer of feathers closest to the bird's skin. These feathers are used for clothing and comforters.
    There has been a lot of undercover video footage showing employees on goose farms pulling fistfuls of feathers out of live birds, causing the birds to shriek while making bloody wounds in their skin. They are squeezed upside down between workers' knees during the painful procedure - in one instance, an investigator photographed a worker who was sitting on a goose's neck in order to prevent her from escaping.............
    Plucking live birds causes incredible distress and pain. Once the feathers are ripped out, the birds are paralyzed with fear and left with gaping wounds. I say the lucky ones die as a result of the procedure. If they survive, the birds wounds are sewn up with needle and thread without aenestetics and go through the process again once their feathers grow back in.
    That's not all.. buying down supports the cruelty of foie gras and meat industries because many farmers who raise birds for food make an extra profit by selling their feathers as well. When they're slaughtered, aoften their throats are cut or dumped into tanks of scalding hot water while their still conscious. Can you imagine? Gives me chills..
    The only way to be sure that the products you buy was not obtained from live-plucked birds is to choose cruelty-free materials. My pillows are comfy as ever! Please make the compassionate decision to be down-free and not support the abuse of birds.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


 Today is a very special day for me.. makes one year I
have went VEGAN. I remember this time of my life well a year ago.
I had been vegetarian for a while, which was great. A month had
went by and I wanted to be vegan. I needed to be vegan. I had
realized that while vegetarianism was great and saving lives each
day, it wasn't enough. It wasn't close at all. I had to give it
all up. I had to stop participating in products used in animal
testing, clothing made of animal flesh, and wanted no part of the
entertainment industry, but would I be accepted? Even though on
one hand, my new lifestyle wouldn't really affect anyone else, I
knew it wouldn't be completely welcomed to some.
 I was right - I heard so much bullshit when I had to tell
the people in my life. I remember someone laughing telling me
there was no way I could do it. I could never give up cheese. I
was asked if I realized that going vegan really didn't make any
difference in the world. I was told that it was very unhealthy!
(LOL, yeah not putting animal flesh and insides in my body,
antibiotics, hormones, etc is healthy.. riiiight). I was told
that I was going to the extremes and there was no way that would
be accomplished. Talk about the support!
 It's one year later and look at me now! I have made so
many differences in the world. I have influenced people around
me to make differences in their diets and living, which is
amazing. Just a few weeks ago I got a text from a friend saying
that he was shopping at a retail establishment and the smell of
the dead flesh in the leather department was making him sick,
knowing what it was. I think that is great. If nothing else is
accomplished, I just appreciate the fact that I may have made you
think for a minute.
 It can be challenging and sad living in a non-vegan
world. On one hand, it is very rewarding knowing you aren't
participating in the demise and abuse of animals, but on the
other hand, you can only save so many and people make it hard for
you. I hate nothing more than a challenge. Why do people want to
challenge me or persuade me? Like your ignorant self would change
me vegan living!! I can only put up with so much sometimes. I
don't care if you can't live without your meat. And, yes you can
by the way. I don't care if you think me not going to the zoo is
stupid. Why would I compromise myself to go pay and see animal
cruelty at it's best? I wish people would respect me and try not
to change my mind or make me participate. I also hate jokes. How
disrespectful to not only be but all of the helpless animals out
there with no voice to stand up for themselves.
 When I realized how animals were used for "our benefit,"
I see it is an absurd way to use the weak and butcher it. It is
like rapists and bullies. I realize I have the power to do and
say what I want. I have clear skin, I breathe better, I'm
healthy, happy, lost weight, and all the while saving and
respecting lives. This is the best decision I have ever made in
my entire life and there is no going back, ever.
 I would appreciate it if you would take a moment of your
time and read this out loud or to yourself and really mean it.
Whether you are the biggest non-vegan out there, surely you
wouldn't oppose to this prayer.. it would mean to much to me and
all the unfortunate souls out there.
Hear our humble prayer, O God,
for our friends the animals,
especially for animals who are suffering;
for animals that are overworked,
underfed and cruelly treated;
for all wistful creatures in captivity
that beat their wings against bars;
for any that are hunted or lost or deserted
or frightened or hungry;
for all that must be put death.
We entreat for them all Thy mercy and pity,
and for those who deal with them
we ask a heart of compassion
and gentle hands and kindly words.
Make us, ourselves, to be true friends to animals,
and so to share the blessings of the merciful.
Author – Albert Schweitzer
I have attached some photos that I have previously posted on my blog that can be found there. Pictures say it all, so when you want to know why I am vegan, take a look!!!!
    I don't think I have ever posted this video on here either.. I was part of the "Faces of Vegan" project.. watch this video and look at all of the beautiful vegans.. I am at frame 2:03 with Joonie Bird.
    Lastly, here are a few quotes that hit home to me. Thank you for reading, until next time, happy vegan living!! :)
  • I eat everything that nature voluntarily gives: fruits, vegetables, and the products of plants. But I ask you to spare me what animals are forced to surrender: meat, milk, and cheese.
  • The best part of being a vegan is the purity and peace of mind one experiences and the strong connection I feel to the animal kingdom.
  • Even if you just change one dinner a week to vegan, you’re making a difference to your health, animals and the planet. Just replace dairy with rice or oat milk (or even vegan soya cream), swap your meat for meatless meats and make your dinner as usual. It’s easy.
  • I sometimes think, would I drink the milk from the breast of a woman I don't know? No. So I think, why would I drink it from a cow.
  • Eating meat is the most disgusting thing I can think of. It’s like biting into your grandmother.
  • People often say that humans have always eaten animals, as if this is a justification for continuing the practice. According to this logic, we should not try to prevent people from murdering other people, since this has also been done since the earliest of times.
  •  I think animals need all the help they can get, because they have none. They have no rights. They have no protection. And so I think animals need help. And I think animals look to humans for protection, and of course humans lead them into slaughterhouses, which to me is just like an image of leading children into a slaughterhouse. There's no difference. That level of trust and… But it's a very cruel world.
  • We need, in a special way, to work twice as hard to help people understand that the animals are fellow creatures, that we must protect them and love them as we love ourselves.
  • People are the only animals that drink the milk of the mother of another species. All other animals stop drinking milk altogether after weaning. It is unnatural for a dog to nurse from a mother giraffe; it is just as unnatural for a human being to drink the milk of a cow.

Monday, January 30, 2012

BRISTO-MYERS SQUIBB needs to begin non-animal tests!

    There has been some sickening allegations about animals who endured megligence, and painful, gruesome deaths at the Bristol-Myers Squibb (pharaceutical giant). The person who has revealed these reports said that both a rat and monkey had been scalded to death when the cages in which they were each housed were carelessly put into the company's mechanical high-temperature, high-pressure cage weasher - with the animals STILL INSIDE! In another incident, it was reported that many monkeys were tethered to their cage doors to be weighed and then left unattended. When the workers finally returned, they found one of the monkeys strangled to death.
     In conjunction with these allegations of neglect, from 2008 to 2010, Bristol-Myers Squibb has tormented more than 20,000 animals in it's laboratories, including more that 2,600 dogs and 3,400 rrimates who were imprisoned in cages, intentionally poisoned to dath, and subjecte dto other painful and stressful procedures.
      What is amazing is that the more than 20,000 animals that were tortured DOES NOT include the the thousands of mice, rats, and other animals who aren't covered under teh Animal Welfare Act which I will never understand. They do not include animals used in experiments contracted out by Bristo-Myers Squibb to others laboratories as the cotorius Covance.
      A shareholder resolution has been submitted to Bristol-Myers Squibb this year to urge them to be more transparent and to minimize it's use of animals by implementing modern, non-animal testing mehtods - recommended by the National Academy of Sciences.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Just think about it!

   Well hello there my little blog. It has been a month since I have written in here! Wow, I have been so occupied in a good way. But I am back! Today I will just write a little food for thought..
    Everyday all over the world animals are fighting for their lives while being enslaved. These animals are beaten, kept in chains to make them perform, mutilated and confined to tiny cages and cut alive for food, they are poisoned, blinded, burned and cut up alive for "science," and they are skinned alive after being strangled and electrocuted so that people can wear them around..
    It is overwhelming sickening to think of the abuse animals endure for humans. Everyday choices affect this. What you have for breakfast.. what body wash you use.. what activity you attend.. what shoes you buy. As hard as it is to think about it, you must realize no changes will be made if we look the other way. Every decision matters.
    They are counting on people like me and hopefully you to give them a voice. Please take a moment in your day to learn about the issues and help. Don't support the abuse. It's a lot easier than you think it is.. we can make a difference - I have and it feels wonderful.

Here are just a handful of EASY differences you can and should corporate into your lives..

Here are some tasty snacks that are surprisingly vegan.. next time you are at the grocery, pick up these items instead!
Doritos Spicy Sweet Chili Flavored Tortilla Chips
Dum Dums
Sour Patch Kids
Famous Amos sandwich cookies
Swedish Fish

Here are some wonderful brands of vegan household items, cosmetics, skin, hair, and body products that Can be found at department stores such as Dillard's or Whole Foods:
Nature's Gate
TOMS of Maine

Please avoid animal products when you shop for clothing and accessories. Vera Bradley has precious handbags and accessories. TOMS makes vegan shoes that are the most comfortable shoes ever. You can avoid fur, leather, and other animal parts VERY easily and look and feel great doing it.

When it comes to entertainment, please avoid movies that include animals in them. Movies such as the recent Planet of the Apes is AMAZING and absolutely NO animals were used in the making. Avoid zoos, circuses, rodeos, and fair games. There are so many wonderful things to do in this world that is cruelty free!

I have included some photos of animal abuse & some personal pictures of my happy, cruelty-free life.